Apr 23, 2023 | Jewelry, Peridot Jewelry | 0 comments

The Origin and Uses of Peridot Jewelry

Jewelry, Peridot Jewelry | 0 comments

Peridot is a stunning green gemstone that has been coveted by cultures around the world for centuries. It is a gemstone that is shrouded in myth, magic, and mystery. In this blog post, we will explore the origin and uses of Peridot Jewelry.

Origin of Peridot Jewelry:

Peridot is a green gemstone that is a type of olivine mineral. It is formed deep within the Earth’s mantle and is brought to the surface through volcanic activity. The gemstone is found in volcanic rocks, as well as in some meteorites that have fallen to Earth.

The origins of Peridot jewelry can be traced back to ancient Egypt. The gemstone was highly prized by the pharaohs and was considered the “gem of the sun.” The Egyptians believed that Peridot had the power to ward off evil spirits and protect the wearer from harm.

Peridot was also highly prized by the ancient Greeks and Romans. The Greeks called the gemstone “chrysolite,” which means “golden stone.” The Romans believed that Peridot had the power to protect them from nightmares and was associated with the goddess Venus.

Uses of Peridot Jewelry:

Peridot is a beautiful gemstone that has a vibrant green color. It is often used in jewelry, including earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. Peridot jewelry is popular because of its beautiful color and durability.

Peridot is also believed to have many healing properties. It is believed to help with digestion, improve mental clarity, and reduce stress. Some people also believe that Peridot can help with vision problems and can even help the body fight off infections.

Peridot is also associated with the heart chakra, which is located in the center of the chest. The gemstone is believed to help open the heart chakra, which can help improve emotional balance and promote feelings of love and compassion.

Peridot is a popular choice for engagement rings and wedding bands because of its durability and beauty. The gemstone is often set in a simple design to showcase its natural beauty. It is also used in other types of jewelry, including brooches and cufflinks.


Peridot jewelry is also popular among those who are interested in astrology and the zodiac. The gemstone is the birthstone for August and is associated with the zodiac signs of Leo and Virgo. It is believed that wearing Peridot can bring good luck and prosperity to those born under these signs.

In addition to its use in jewelry, Peridot has been used for other purposes throughout history. The ancient Egyptians used the gemstone to create protective amulets and talismans. They also used it to carve figurines and statues.

Peridot has also been used in religious art throughout history. The gemstone was often used to adorn religious objects and was believed to have a sacred energy. It was used to decorate cathedrals and other religious buildings, and it was even used to create sacred vessels such as chalices and censers.


Today, Peridot is still a highly prized gemstone. It is often used in contemporary jewelry designs and is sought after by collectors and enthusiasts alike. With its rich history and stunning beauty, Peridot will continue to be a beloved gemstone for centuries to come.

Peridot is also a sustainable gemstone, as it is found in limited quantities and is mainly sourced from small mines. This makes it a popular choice for those who are conscious about the environmental impact of their jewelry.

Lastly, it is important to take proper care of Peridot jewelry to ensure its longevity. The gemstone is relatively hard, but it can still be scratched or damaged if not cared for properly. It is recommended to clean Peridot jewelry with a soft cloth and avoid exposing it to harsh chemicals or high temperatures.